
讲师:Marianne Talbot
In this introduction to ethics, we shall be considering the underpinnings of ethical thought. We shall consider, for example, what it is for an action to be right or wrong, whether we can have moral knowledge and whether freewill is essential to morality. We shall reflect on four key ethical theories (virtue ethics, deontology, non-cognitivism and utilitarianism), looking at both their strengths and their weaknesses. We shall be looking at morality in the context of the individual and the context of society.
牛津大学(University of Oxford,简称:Oxon。),建校于1167年。位于英国的牛津大学具有世界声誉,它在英国社会和高等教育系统中具有极其重要的地位。



Rules, truths and theories: an introduction to ethical reasoning
Part 1 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we examine moral dilemmas, moral truth and moral knowledge, freewill and determinism.
幻灯片1下载:Rules, truths and theories_ an intro

Freedom, knowledge and society: the preconditions of ethical reasoning
Part 2 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we examine the preconditions of ethical reasoning and make a comparison between the law of the land and the moral law.
幻灯片2下载:Freedom, knowledge and society

Virtue Ethics: virtue, values and character
Part 3 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we will reflect on Aristotle’s account of morality and the centrality of the virtues in this account.
幻灯片3下载:Virtue Ethics: virtue, values and character

Humean Ethics: Non-Cognitivism, the passions and moral motivation
Part 4 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we reflect on Hume’s account of morality and his rejection of reason as the source of morality.
幻灯片4下载:Humean Ethics: Non-Cognitivism, the passions and moral motivation

Deontology: Kant, duty and the moral law
Part 5 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. In this episode we reflect on Kant’s account of morality, including the categorical imperative.
幻灯片5下载:Deontology: Kant, duty and the moral law

Utilitarianism: Mill and the utility calculus
Part 6 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. A reflection on Mill’s account of morality, and the greatest happiness of the greatest number.
幻灯片6下载:Utilitarianism: Mill and the utility calculus

Making Up Your Mind
Part 7 of 7 in Marianne Talbot’s “A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners”. This final episode is a time to take stock and bring together all the strands we’ve considered.
幻灯片7下载:Making Up Your Mind